dragon boat women orlando

What a great weekend of racing at the ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL! Both Mother Puffers and the Mixed team got gold medals in the 500m Premier divisions! An additional gold medal was won on the 2,000m by the mixed team! Congratulations team!!!!

Make It to The Next Level

dragon boat

If you are a pro dragon boater, you know that there is always room for improvement. Here are some tips on how to make it to the next level:

  1. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become at dragon boating. Make sure to practice with your team regularly so that you can develop a strong rhythm and teamwork.

  2. Get in shape. Dragon boating is a physically demanding sport, so it is important to be in good shape. Make sure to do cardio and strength training regularly.

  3. Learn new techniques. There are always new techniques to learn in dragon boating. Make sure to attend clinics and workshops to learn new skills.

  4. Attend competitions. The best way to improve your skills is to compete against other teams. Attend as many competitions as you can to get experience and feedback from other paddlers.

  5. Set goals. Having goals will help you stay motivated and focused on improving your dragon boating skills. Set goals for yourself, your team, and your club.

  6. Don't give up. Dragon boating is a challenging sport, but it is also very rewarding. Don't give up on your dreams of becoming a great dragon boater. Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep competing.

How to Train for Your First Dragon Boat Race

Dragon boating is a physically demanding sport that requires a combination of strength, endurance, and technique. If you're preparing for your first dragon boat race, here are some tips to help you get ready:

  1. Build endurance: Dragon boat races can last anywhere from 200 to 2000 meters, so it's important to build your cardiovascular endurance. You can do this by incorporating long-distance running, cycling, or swimming into your training routine.

  2. Strengthen your upper body: Dragon boating is a full-body workout, but your upper body, specifically your shoulders, back, and arms, will do most of the work. Incorporate exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and rows to build strength in these areas.

  3. Work on your technique: Dragon boating is not just about strength and endurance, it also requires proper technique. Focus on developing a smooth paddling motion, maintaining good posture, and synchronizing your paddling with the rest of the team.

  4. Practice on the water: Try to get as much time on the water as possible to get used to the feeling of paddling in a dragon boat. This will also give you a chance to practice your technique and build your endurance.

  5. Prepare mentally: Dragon boating can be a mentally challenging sport, especially during a race. Visualize yourself paddling with the team and crossing the finish line successfully. Try to stay focused on your technique and rhythm, and don't get discouraged if things don't go perfectly.

Remember to pace yourself and don't overexert yourself during training. With consistent practice and preparation, you can be ready for your first dragon boat race. Good luck!

What Your First Meetup Experience Will Look Like...

Attending your first dragon boat practice can be an exciting and unique experience. Here are some things you can expect:

  1. Safety briefing: Your team's coach or captain will give you a safety briefing to go over basic paddling technique, safety procedures, and what to expect during the practice.

  2. Warm-up: Like with any sport or physical activity, it's important to warm up your muscles and get your heart rate up before you start paddling. You may want to do some light stretching and exercises to get your body ready.

  3. Introduction to equipment: You will receive a paddle and lifejacket, and be shown how to properly hold and use the paddle.

  4. On-water practice: You will start by practicing basic paddling techniques and getting comfortable in the boat. The coach or captain will give you tips on your form and provide guidance on how to paddle more efficiently.

  5. Teamwork: Dragon boating is a team sport, and you'll mostly be working together with complete strangers, to coordinate your paddling strokes and make the boat move smoothly and efficiently through the water.

  6. Physical demands: Dragon boating is a demanding sport that requires strength, endurance, and coordination. You may find it challenging at first, but with practice, you'll improve your skills and fitness level.

Overall, your first dragon boat practice will likely be a fun and exciting experience, as well as a great opportunity to meet new people and get some exercise.

How to Physically Prepare for Dragon Boating?

Here are some tips to physically prepare for dragon boating:

  1. Warm-up exercises: Start with a light warm-up of 5-10 minutes, such as dynamic stretching or a slow jog.

  2. Strengthening exercises: Focus on upper body and core exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and planks, to build strength for paddling.

  3. Cardiovascular fitness: Engage in activities that increase your heart rate, such as running, cycling or rowing, to improve your endurance for the sport.

  4. Balance and coordination: Practice balance and coordination exercises, such as yoga or tai chi, to improve stability in the boat.

  5. Ergometer training: Use an indoor rowing machine to simulate the motion of paddling and build muscle memory.

  6. Paddling drills: Practice specific paddling drills to improve your technique and efficiency.

  7. Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after practice and competition.

It's important to gradually increase your physical activity and seek the guidance of a coach or trainer to avoid injury and ensure proper technique.


History of Dragon Boating

Dragon boating is a traditional Chinese sport that dates back over 2,000 years. The sport is said to have originated in ancient China as a way to honor the poet and patriot Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in protest of the corrupt government. According to legend, local fishermen raced out in their boats to try and save Qu Yuan, and beat drums and splashed their paddles in the water to keep fish and evil spirits away from his body.

In modern times, dragon boating has become a popular international sport, with teams competing in races around the world. The sport has also been adapted for therapeutic and recreational purposes, with many organizations using dragon boating as a way to promote physical activity, teamwork, and mental health.

Dragon boating is a team sport where 20 paddlers, a drummer, and a steerer sit in a long canoe-like boat. They race against other teams on a straight course, typically 250 meters or 500 meters long. The sport is mostly popular in Asia, Australia and Europe, but it is also gaining popularity in North and South America.

The International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) was formed in 1991 and is the governing body for the sport worldwide. The IDBF organizes the World Dragon Boat Racing Championships, which are held every two years.



You are finally ready to try  a new sport! You are super exited about spending the morning in the water and meeting new people. Now, what to expect once you get there? After signing up on meet up site www.joinpuff.com you will have a seat reserved just for you! You will be greet buy a Puff member. Our coaches will then go over the basics of dragon boating with you on land, teach you some basic commands and do some basic stretches, then we will get on the dragon boat and learn by doing!

No previous skill required.

Puff provides life vests, seat cushions and paddles. We recommend bringing a bottle of water, sun screen and to wear clothing that you will be OK exercising in and getting splashed with water. Shades, gloves and hat are worn by most of our paddlers as well but are not required. Practice lasts roughly 2 hours.

We are very passionate at what we do, and we want you to feel welcome and get the best experience possible. We also want to teach you all in one day!! (Sometimes we get super exited!), so expect coaching from our team members. It is a fun day in the water, you will be happy you did it! See you on the boat!

Puff :)